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Ceasefire NOW!
For an immediate ceasefire and an end to all arms deliveries - Ceasefire NOW!
The deadly spread of the conflict in the Middle East, the many deaths in the Ukraine war and in other wars evoke feelings of powerlessness, fear or even anger. And our everyday life as students should only be about credits and careers?
We say NO to this and invite you as AStA to come and talk to us.
Together we want to discuss how we can work from the HAW to end wars worldwide and help prepare for reconstruction.
Wars mean immeasurable suffering for civilian populations all over the world, while the German arms industry earns a lot, as the Federal Republic of Germany is one of the world's largest arms exporters. War is always a rejection of peaceful conflict resolution and a step backwards in human development and, contrary to widespread opinion, there is always an alternative.
In order to overcome our powerlessness together, we want to discuss what these alternatives could look like and how our studies can contribute to peace.
For example, health sciences could campaign against the bombing of hospitals to ensure humanitarian care for the population. Technical degree programmes such as environmental engineering and commercial and special purpose vehicles construction could be used to learn how to detoxify war-contaminated environments and rebuild public infrastructure in cities.
Let's take a critical look at our degree programmes. Especially in light of the fact that HAW Hamburg has adopted a Zivilklausel - it can be read in the preamble to the basic regulations of HAW Hamburg.
It states: "HAW Hamburg is committed to [...] sustainably promoting the peaceful social, just, democratic, political, technical, ecological and economic development of society through teaching, research and continuing education research, teaching and studies at HAW Hamburg are committed to peaceful goals and should fulfil civilian purposes; research, in particular the development and optimisation of technical systems, as well as studies and teaching are geared towards civilian use." - because what else should science be there for than to contribute to peaceful development?
Do you have ideas on how your department can contribute to this? Then you are cordially invited to come to the meeting. Don't have any ideas? Then come all the more and we'll develop ideas together.
We want to be active for peace at the university and beyond. We are the ones who, through education and science, have ways and means in our hands - more than ever, we are working for a civil, positive development of the world. We invite everyone to join us.
Each and every one of us has a role to play!
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